Tuesday, 17 April 2012

Contents Page

Firstly when I began to construct my contents page I inserted various images I had taken previously, including one which is similar to those I will use on my double page spread. I have placed the particular four images at the top of the page because I felt that they gave a particular stance to back up my Country genre.

I then used my house colour grey to write the word 'Contents' in a bold font underneath the pictures on the left hand side of the page. Underneath this I wrote the month and year of publication as well as the issue number.
Written at the bottom right corner of the page is the name of the magazine, month and year of publication and the page number. Above this is an inducement I have included which entitles readers to a cheaper subscription to the magazine. I have used various page numbers and headings to show the range of articles within the magazine. There are headings which give structure to the articles and so that they are easy to find and understand. Various offers are included as well as stories and news of music charts of the country genre.

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