Friday, 27 April 2012

Welcome To My Blog

Welcome to my blog. In it you will find the blogged process by which i have researched various music magazines in order to complete my own front page,contents page and double page spread. I have blogged every step of the process including what I found to be my strengths and weaknesses. My blog is clear to understand with my front cover, contents page and doubble page spread all located towards the top of the page and the process leading up to their creation is in order underneath.

I have blogged about pictures I took with my camera and how they looked before and after editing. I also blogged the stages in the creation of my magazine and how it progressed.

Evaluation of Alternative Music Magazine

Tuesday, 17 April 2012

Main Pictures In 'alternative' Magazine

This image was used on the front cover of my music magazine. This image is the original version as it was before it was edited. After it had been edited, the image looked clearer and brighter and made more bold for the consumer.

This image was used on my contents page as a preview of what can be found on  the double page spread.
This was the main image used on my double page spread which was edited to bring out the various colours in the picture. This picture also depicts a guitar and displays the musical genre of the magazine.

This is the last picture to be used in my music magazine and shows a different image of the same artist who is interviewed on the double page spread. The guitar highlights the fact that it is a musical magazine and along with the interview makes the reader clear of the fact that is is specifically a country magazine. 

Double page spread

To start my double page spread, I began to edit an image I had taken especially for the page and interview. Above the picture I have wrote the name of the artist 'Oli Bright' in bold, eye-catching writing and underneath this I have included a quotation.
I then placed another edited picture on the right of the pageto give the reader an idea of the type of music the artist represents. At the bottom of the first image I began to write an introduction to the interview and to give an overview of what would be within.

I then went on to write my interview which is set up in the way that is a continuous piece of speech from the artist. The interview has included in it various parts of information so that the fact that the magazine is of a 'country' genre comes across. The page is set up so that it is clear for the reader to read with the writing layed out in columns.

Contents Page

Firstly when I began to construct my contents page I inserted various images I had taken previously, including one which is similar to those I will use on my double page spread. I have placed the particular four images at the top of the page because I felt that they gave a particular stance to back up my Country genre.

I then used my house colour grey to write the word 'Contents' in a bold font underneath the pictures on the left hand side of the page. Underneath this I wrote the month and year of publication as well as the issue number.
Written at the bottom right corner of the page is the name of the magazine, month and year of publication and the page number. Above this is an inducement I have included which entitles readers to a cheaper subscription to the magazine. I have used various page numbers and headings to show the range of articles within the magazine. There are headings which give structure to the articles and so that they are easy to find and understand. Various offers are included as well as stories and news of music charts of the country genre.

Front Cover

When I started to create my music magazine I first began to work on my front cover. I used the pictures I had previously taken and edited and placed my cover image on the page. I placed the image on the mid and right third of the page. I have edited the image so that the picture is brighter and stands out more than the original version.
Secondly I began to review the types of font and font size I would like to use for the title of my front cover. I chose the colour red to make the title bold to make it stand out and to contrast my chosen picture. I then used my house theme colour grey for the month of publication and price of the magazine, this text is situated under the title. At this stage I also placed the barcode of my magazine in the bottom of the left-third of the front cover.
During the third stage of creating my front cover I placed a selling line at the top of the title. The colour of the font is written in black and uses bold fonts.
I then continued to place cover lines mainly on the left-third of the page and two selling lines on the right-third. Having a range of stories gives the impression that it is a well informed and reputable magazine. I have gone with my theme of a country music magazine and I believe this to come through on my front cover.

Sunday, 15 April 2012

Finalised Music Magazine Pitch

After revising my music magazine pitch, I have decided to set my magazine's genre as a modernised country magazine. At first I had wanted to cover a range of music genres, however I felt that condensing my choices down to one type of music would work to my advantage. Instead of my magazine being stereotypical of older 'Country' magazines, I am going to take on a modern view and include in my front cover, aspects which would appeal to a younger audience. My music magazine will be called 'alternative' which represents an alternative type of music.

The target audience for my magazine is one which embraces the modern cultures of the world but at the same time enjoys different styles of music. The magazine will be aimed at an  audience who are looking to read about country music which is not the norm perhaps and are looking for a quality music magazine which covers all of their interests. My music magazine will have a house theme of white, red and grey. The front page will have anoverall white background. The title of the magazine will be situated at the top of the page, written in bold, eye catching, red text amd there will be a full page image of the country singer from the interview.

The contents page will use the same house theme and be bold and eye catching. My contents page will have pictures at the top of the page and contain page numbers of various articles underneath which would be inside the magazine.

Research and analysis of magazine double page spreads

This double page spread has been taken from NME music magazine. The band featured on the page with the name 'The Teenagers' suggests to anyone reading that it is aimed at a younger audience perhaps.

A full page image has been placed on the left hand page and the image is clear and direct. Straight away it can be assumed that the article featured is about a band. The right hand page is given to a feature article on the band. The article is not written in a question and answer format however it is written with answers given by the band itself. To the right of the article, there is a feature on other bands which would probably follow in the same music patterns of the band which is being interviewed.

The colour blue has been used throughout the article with a white background on the right hand side. The colour black comes through quite strong because of a large amount of black text and a box on the right hand page. The full page image, although not dark, goes along with the theme as well as the artists wearing dark clothing.