Friday, 24 February 2012

Music Magazine Pitch

Music magazine in which there will be a range of different music styles so that the magazine is not necessarily directed to a specific audience.

Weekly/ Monthly price
I would price a monthly music magazine at around £3.75. There are likely to be many more special stories and offers than a weekly magazine and this would therefore make the monthly magazine more expensive to produce.

Audience profile
If a magazine covers a range of music styles and genres, it would broaden the readership, for instance a certain type of music is likely to determine the age of a reader. If many music styles are represented, the magazine will be read by a much wider range of people, e.g. age of person, style of music they may like etc.

Name (associations)
A music magazine title needs to be short, recognisable and bold so that on a shelf of magazines competing with eachother, a particular one will stand out to potential buyers. The title of a magazine is usually positioned at the top of the magazine front cover, starting in the left-third. The colour can be interchangeable so that it matches the main cover image for example.

House style, font, colours
A house style will run through the whole music magazine, much like different colours and fonts. The colours on the front cover will mostly be a match to colours used in the double page spread. These colours are likely to be colours associated with the musician who is being interviewed.

A main image of the musician will dominate the background of the double page spread. At the bottom of the right page, images of the musician as they have progressed through their career to show their advances and how they have improved.

Double page spread (QA interview) (Artist/ Group profile)
The double page spread will consist of a question and answer interview with a specific musician. On the left hand page before the interview there will be an insight into the musicians music and at the bottom of the left hand page there may be a profile of the musician. Having a profile enables any reader who does not know so much about the musician to gather a good understanding of the style of them.

Wednesday, 22 February 2012

Preliminary task: School magazine front cover and contents page

School magazine: Front cover
Whilst using photoshop to create my front cover, I was able to get more of an idea of how to use the programme. I was able to explore different aspects of photoshop and I was able to layer different photographs into the image and feather around the outside of them. I was also able to insert text, resize it, change the colour of the text and I was also able to change the background colour too.

School magazine: Contents page
When I started making my contents page I had become more confident with using photoshop and I was able to to change the format of the document to landscape. I inserted a line so that the centre of the page was visible as it is a double page contents page. I have inserted an image of students on the bottem left corner so that the magazine can be seen as appealing to students of all ages. I have used a range of page numbers of articles within the school magazine so that any readers can see how many pages are available to them within. Different sized fonts are able to highlight any main articles which may be in the magazine.

First Photoshop: Nature magazine cover

This is my first photoshop attempt at maaking a mock-up magazine cover. It has been a practice for my preliminary task of creating a mock-up school magazine front cover and contents page before I create a music magazine front cover and contents page. I found using photoshop difficult today because it was my first real attempt at using it in a situation in which I had to make something come out of using it.

Thursday, 16 February 2012

3rd February lessons

In this lesson we used the computers and photoshop to create a front cover of a nature magazine. I am not used to using photoshop and I find it quite a difficult programme to navigate and use. Due to having little knowlede of photoshop, my magazine cover started off simple, however, after using it in two media lessons on this day, I gradually grew more confident. I learnt how to crop a picture I had taken in a previous lesson of a bird, and place it on my document. I also learnt how to insert text, make it larger and change the colour. Overall I enjoy using Photoshop, although I will need more practice at it before I create my real magazine cover.

Analysis of a magazine contents page on Prezi

1st February lesson

Today learnt how to analyse contents pages of magazines. This included the analysis of the composition, images, graphics, text and themes within a contents page. Composition How the page is laid out and the effect it has on the reader. How the text columns are laid out. How the supporting images are laid out (within the columns, rotated, conventional). Images Main image (of what, why was it chosen?). Supporting images- for which articles and why? What is the style? ( effects, black and white, etc.) Graphics Whether or not there are any supporting graphics (icons, logos, illustrations). Text Is there a headline? How is the page defined as a contents page? What styles of fonts are used? How many styles are used and do they change by section or feature? Theme What colours are usedand do they create a house style? How does it relate to the front cover?

Analysis of a magazine cover: 29th January

My analysis shows the different aspects of a magazine cover, the way they are postitioned and why. I hsve explained the need for a bold, recognisable masthead and the need for short and easy to read coverlines on the left-third when a magazine is being displayed on a shelf. I have included in my analysis the need for a selling line to captivate the reader with the magazine's main marketing point, and how to distinguish between a cover line and a main cover line.

Link to my Prezi

27th January lesson: Photoshop

On Wednesday 27th January, we had a lesson on how to use Photoshop. We were instructed on how to use different aspects of the programme step by step, but I thought it was going to be easier than it actually was. The lesson was a good introduction to Photoshop, but I need more practice at it so I will know what I'm actually doing and be able to edit pictures properly.

18th January lesson.

Today I created my own blog, I have not done this before and it is my first time using the 'Blogger' website. The setting up of my blog went alright, after i had got used to how it needed to be done.